On September 8, 2023, eight teams with 40 contestants from grades 7–11 competed in the historical cosplay contest – Heroes Are Here, held at Scotch AGS School.

With the topic “I haven’t changed, but I’ve changed so much, who am I?”, the competition opened an opportunity for Scotch AGS students to recreate classic historical and literary characters from many cultures around the world, helping them recognize the value of past achievements and strive to learn more in the future.

After three rounds, the official winner of the championship belonged to the 10.1 class in three categories: the most impressive performance, the best presentation, and the overall first prize. The second prize of the contest went to class 11.1 along with the best costume category. The third prize went to two classes: 10.3 and 11.2. The students received certificates and special gifts from the organizers.

Sharing their feelings after the three rounds, the teams said they felt very excited to participate in the historical competition like Heroes Are Here. The contest has contributed to bringing history closer to everyone, helping all students have a majestic stage to perform the world’s works confidently and creatively.

Heroes Are Here
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