Accompanying Vietnamese talents

In the 2024 – 2025 academic year, Nam Uc Scotch AGS offers talent scholarships of up to 45% for new students enrolling in Grades 6 to 11. The scholarship value varies depending on the admission period as follows:

Round 1 – Early round – Before 31/01/2024

  • For students enrolling in grades 6 to 11 who meet scholarship criteria, a scholarship of 45% will be granted.

Round 2 – Regular round – From 01/02/2024 to 30/04/2024

  • For students enrolling in grades 6 to 11 who meet scholarship criteria, a scholarship of 40% will be granted.

Round 3 – Rolling round – After 01/05/2024

  • For students enrolling in grades 6 to 11 who meet scholarship criteria, a scholarship of 35% will be granted.


  • For new students enrolling in Grades 6 to 8, this policy is effective until the completion of Grade 9.
  • For new students enrolling in Grades 9 to 11, this policy is effective until the completion of Grade 12.
ScholarshipGPA of the previous yearGPA of the previous year (gifted high school)English Proficiency
Early round: 45%
Regular round: 40%
Rolling round: 35%

GPA >= 8.5GPA >= 8.0

IELTS 5.5+ or VEPT 57+

8.0 <= GPA < 8.57.5 <= GPA < 8.0

IELTS 6.0+ or VEPT 61+

7.5 <= GPA < 8.07.0 <= GPA < 7.5

IELTS 6.5+ or VEPT 65+

*VEPT (Versant English Placement Test) is an English test including 4 skills of Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing in Pearson’s Versant language assessment system (UK).

Students winning excellent student contests at all levels are considered for additional scholarships based on specific cases (The scholarship value decreases in each admission round).

  • Awards in district level Academic Excellence Competitions and above (with accompanying list).
  • Other competitions not at the district-city level (considered case by case).

All students who have paid the enrollment deposit are eligible to participate in the Talent Connect for Newbie event, providing them with the opportunity to receive a special scholarship of up to 70%, applicable for three academic years from Grade 10 to Grade 12. The school will organize this event June, specifically designed to enhance scholarship levels.

Instructions for applying for a scholarship

Step 1

Check the condition

Step 2

Register for aconsultation

Step 3

Submit your scholarship application

(The previous results)

Step 4

Take the English entrance exam (VEPT/IELTS)

Step 5

Receive the result announcement via email or phone

Sign up for consultation

1.Parent/Guardian information

2.Students' information