Established in 1922, Scotch College Adelaide proudly stands as a prestigious educational environment with a history spanning over 100 years, offering top-quality education.

Located on a lush 20-hectare site in Mitcham, South Australia, approximately 8 km south of Adelaide’s city center, Scotch College Adelaide boasts a well-established educational program that has achieved impressive results throughout its century-long development. One notable achievement is the 95% university admission rate among its students each year.

Moreover, many students receive full scholarships from renowned universities due to their outstanding academic performance and thorough preparation provided by Scotch College. This is a remarkable accomplishment, as pursuing higher education is not always the primary goal for many high school students in Australia. In particular, numerous graduates gain entry to prestigious universities ranked in the top 1% globally, such as Harvard, Oxford, and Yale.

Furthermore, Scotch College Adelaide places significant emphasis on extracurricular activities to help students gain practical experience. The school offers a variety of clubs, including music, arts, and sports, to foster physical development, creativity, and mental well-being.

In addition, the school also supports enthusiastic international students. Through the Culture and Language Immersion Program (CLIP), international students can quickly adapt to the Australian educational environment and culture, improve their English proficiency, and prepare effectively for university entrance exams.

Scotch College Adelaide is not only a nurturing ground for talented performers and future business leaders but also a place where doctors, lawyers, politicians, and students from various fields apply the skills they have learned to advance their careers