The primary education program at Nam Uc Scotch AGS is meticulously crafted based on the framework of the Australian National Curriculum, seamlessly integrated with subjects from the Vietnamese Ministry of Education and Training. This fusion nurtures students to become global citizens while preserving the rich cultural values of Vietnam.

At this stage, English and mathematics are top priorities. Additionally, students will engage with subjects such as science, technology, humanities and social sciences, and physical education. Our diverse range of extracurricular activities and rich learning experiences further enhance their educational journey.

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A day of primary studetnts


Go to school


Have breakfast


Learning in class


Have lunch


CCA activities


Learning in class


Academic and talent activities


Go home

Development of competencies and skills

Prepare your child's future with Nam Uc Scotch AGS

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CCA program

From Grade 1 to Grade 5, participating in extracurricular activities is mandatory. Students choose activities from a list provided by the school. These activities are mainly in the form of clubs, focusing on developing specific skills or talents.

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RADI-RAHI program

At Nam Uc Scotch AGS, education goes beyond teaching knowledge and preparing for exams. It also aims to nurture character, which shapes who we are and how we act. The school uses a clear framework for character education. This includes two skill sets: R.A.D.I. for personal development and R.A.H.I. for interacting with others.

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Next steps

Admissions requirements

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Addressing questions about primary admission and enrollment requirements.

Tuition fee

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Details about the special tuition assistance program for students.

Financial aid

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Financial solutions for studying at Nam Uc Scotch AGS.