On the morning of July 29, 2024, Nam Uc Scotch AGS School held the opening ceremony for the new school year at both of its campuses: Saigon Central (Phu Nhuan District) and West Saigon (Tan Phu District), with the participation of all students, teachers, and staff.

Students listening to speeches from the school leadership during the opening ceremony at Scotch AGS.Students listening to speeches from the school leadership during the opening ceremony at Scotch AGS.
High school students (Truong Quoc Dung campus) during the opening ceremony on the morning of July 29.

This marks the third year that teachers and students of Nam Uc Scotch AGS have been together, continuing the school’s mission to provide students with access to a high-quality international curriculum. Especially, the main goal for this school year is to help high school students complete the Australian Certificate of Education (ACE) program and secure admission to top universities worldwide.

Dr. Christopher Poole-Johnson, Vice Principal of Scotch AGS, opened the ceremony with a speech to all students at the beginning of the new school year. He offered special praise to the primary students, who have gradually adapted to the Australian curriculum and new learning methods and achieved impressive results in the past year.

Students gathered in the auditorium in preparation for the opening ceremony.
Primary and secondary students (Hoa Binh campus) returned to school on the morning of July 29.

For middle school students, the vice principal encouraged active learning, noting that this is a golden time for them to explore everything, from academics to building personal relationships. He believes that the students’ continuous efforts, curiosity, and teamwork will play a key role in the development of the school’s student community.

“Always stay curious and ask questions; approach your studies with dedication in every activity, every subject, and every project you take part in. Strive to become a better version of yourself each day, and never stop challenging yourself to realize that we are always greater than we think we are,” said Dr. Christopher Poole-Johnson.

The school leadership delivered a speech during the opening ceremony.
Dr. Christopher delivered a heartfelt message to the students during the opening ceremony at the Hoa Binh campus.

Sharing with grade 10, 11, and 12 students, Dr. Douglas Foster, Chairman of the Board of Nam Uc Scotch AGS, emphasized the importance of the high school years. These years will be crucial milestones that lay the foundation for solid knowledge and skills, helping students reach new heights in both university and their future careers.

He encouraged students to maximize their high school years and give their all in both academics and extracurricular activities.

“Wake up earlier, go to bed later, do more, and participate in more activities. What you are doing now will shape your future and who you will become,” Dr. Douglas Foster remarked.

Chủ tịch hội đồng trường phát biểu trong lễ khai giảng 2024 tại Scotch AGS.
Dr. Douglas Foster, Chairman of Scotch AGS, offered warm words of encouragement to the students at the start of the new school year.

In particular, the chairman expressed sincere encouragement to the 12th-grade Scotchies. This is the first year they are entering the second phase of the ACE program, and they will be the first students to receive the Australian Certificate of Education at Nam Uc Scotch AGS upon completing the school year. Their achievements will set a pioneering example for future students in conquering the ACE program.

Students interacted with the Scotch AGS teachers on the first day of school.
Primary students interacting with the teaching staff on the first day of school.

During the opening ceremony on July 29, students had the chance to meet and engage with members of the teaching staff from both the Phu Nhuan and Tan Phu campuses. These teachers will support students in all aspects, from academics to preparing for overseas study and university admissions.

Additionally, the students were introduced to the five outstanding candidates for key positions in the Nam Uc Scotch AGS Student Council, including Thanh Duc, Thuy Tien (Grade 12.1), and Minh Thy, Bao Anh, and An Thinh (Grade 12.2). The Student Council was established with the aim of discovering talented leaders who can inspire academic excellence and bring positive changes to the school community. Voting will commence on July 29 and conclude on July 31.

Student Council Elections
Chân dung những ứng viên tiềm năng trong Student Council (Hội đồng học sinh trường Nam Úc Scotch AGS).

Finally, the school’s leadership extended heartfelt gratitude to the teaching staff at Nam Uc Scotch AGS for their significant contributions in guiding, teaching, and mentoring the students on their learning journey. The teachers are not only skilled professionals with extensive experience but also inspiring role models for generations of students to come.

Another school year begins! Let’s wish the Scotchies even more success and achievements as they shine brighter and conquer their dream universities.