Challenging every student to become a global citizen, a leader and a lifelong learner.

In our interconnected world, international skills and an open mindset are essential for young professionals. But being a global citizen does not mean forgetting one’s cultural identity. At Nam Uc Scotch AGS, we strive for the balance between global and local perspectives, delivering an outstanding international curriculum experience, in a setting that celebrates local language and culture.

Nam Uc Scotch AGS works in partnership with Scotch College Adelaide, drawing on over 100 years of expertise to deliver outstanding educational outcomes. Offering a comprehensive Australian curriculum from Year 1 to Year 12, including an internationally recognised Senior Secondary Certificate, Nam Uc Scotch AGS provides a whole of life preparation and a pathway to tertiary studies around the world.

Our vision is bold: to be a school of excellence, developing global citizens enriched with Vietnamese identity. This means that although we deliver an English medium program from Year 1 – Year 12, students also study Vietnamese language, culture and history and participate in local and international celebrations.

We employ a highly skilled teaching faculty, who work collaboratively with Scotch College Adelaide teachers to ensure a consistent offering across international borders. We have a commitment to training our local teachers to become the foundation of a sustainable teaching faculty, who meet international professional quality standards.

Embedded in our programs is a commitment to the development of character. Our unique RADI-RAHI character education framework underpins our curriculum and pedagogy and is based on two sets of skills: building the capacity of oneself and building the capacity of individuals to be part of a community. The skills inherent in this framework are not only taught in the classroom but are developed through a structured co-curricular program and broad school community activities.

As we look ahead to celebrating our first graduating cohort in 2025, I am proud of what we have achieved, and what is to come. I hope that you join us and become part of our story.