At Nam Uc Scotch AGS, we are committed to providing convenient transportation services with new, modern vehicles that we maintain regularly to ensure absolute safety for students.

  • Safety First: We prioritize students’ safety by having professionally trained and experienced drivers. We inspect and maintain our vehicles regularly to ensure they operate safely and effectively.
  • Flexible Routes: We offer flexible routes to meet students’ needs. This approach reduces waiting times and optimizes travel for students.
  • Student Care: We train drivers and bus assistants regularly to create a friendly environment, ensuring students feel secure and comfortable during their journey. Bus assistants onboard care for elementary students, while we encourage middle school students to be independent and proactive when using public transportation.
  • Onboard Comfort: We equip our transportation system with new, modern, and comfortable vehicles to ensure a pleasant and safe experience for students throughout their journey.

For more details and to register for our transportation service, please contact the School Transportation Department today!

Hotline: 0938 477 566; 0938 467 499 – 0932 034 366

Register for transportation: HERE